Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bedtime Story

Since my son was 15 months old I have had a routine for him. It has always helped him get to sleep. I have updated a few times over the years. just recently I let go of the Tickle Story. It used to work like a charm to get him to sleep. but now he is bored of it. So for the parents of the world who have kids that liked to be tickled. Here is a story to help those kids go to sleep at night.

Once upon a time...

there was as a GREAT BIG Castle.

It had turrets and towers, and little flags that would go swoosh in the wind.

Inside the Castle was a teeny weeny Prince and an itty bitty Princess.

The Prince and the Princess loved to be tickled!

So one day the Tickler came, and tickled the Prince and Princess so much that they said "No more tickles! W want to go to bed!

So the teeny weeny Prince and the itty bitty Princess went to their beds and fell fast asleep.


In case you didn't know. I tickle my kids or kid, depending on who is present, during the story. Oh how they would laugh. My son loved it so much. It was his favorite part of the routine. There was also a story about a not-so-scary monster that accompanied it. Now he likes to talk before bed. It is so amazing to see one's child grow up.

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