Monday, July 22, 2013

Mourning for the trees

My Father and two of my uncles own a farm. It's incorporated now. I'm not sure what all that entails, but it seems like my Dad's quarter of the farm is less influential. The Uncle that owns half of the farm makes all of the decisions. I suppose that is fit considering his share. However I was truly grieved about his most recent "improvement" to the farm. He decided that there wasn't enough land to grow crops. So he felled half of our forest. The trees were bulldozed. This injured them to the point where they won't be useful for much more than woodchips. Many of these trees were at least many decades old. (They were full grown, when I was a baby twenty five years ago.) I'm guessing that many of them were well over one hundred.
These beautiful enduring giants were knocked down for no great purpose. The farm grows corn to feed the cows. It is not sold. It's not even good for the cows to eat. Grass and alfalfa is far better for them. None working at the farm will receive a pay raise, but the cows will have more corn. That's like knocking down a forested park, in a poor neighborhood, to build a fast food place. Admittedly, that's a worse crime. However, I cannot help but to feel just as sick. that forest was home to many wild animals. It was a refuge. Now most of it is gone.
I am sorry trees. I am sorry that you didn't live to your fullest extent. I am sorry that your corpses were not used to their fullest extent. That you'll never again hold birds nests in your branches, or bunnies burrows in your roots. That you won't live on as a table or house. I am so very sorry. I mourn for your deaths. Trees are amazing creatures. Alive like any other plant, but with more longevity, and purpose above all others. They clean our air most efficiently. Their leaves nurture the soil.  Their branches hold life. Even at times human life. (Who doesn't love a tree house?) Upon your death, paper, buildings, boats, furniture, and art work can be made from you. Not to mention, your nut and fruit bearing brethren. They provide food each season. Air, food, shelter, and beauty this is what a tree provides. Dear trees, you are crucial to human life. I will strive to prevent the rest of your forest from being destroyed. I hope too that those reading this will fight for the trees in their community as well.

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