Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cloudy Day

"Jubal, I need to know how to clean the blotted out books in the Library." I commanded on one overcast day.
"There is no need for that. Little Princess, anything you wish to know from those books I can tell you." He replied.
"I want to know for myself." I said irked.
"It hurts that you do not trust me." He mewed. "I have never betrayed you, and if you had kept to my advice, the Fay would have been appeased by now. Instead not only are they against you but the dwarves have renounced you.  The Mer-people laugh at you, and your own people fear you."
I was fully aware of the situation. Jubal's intent was to torment rather than to inform, and he succeeded. How was I to get out of this mess? My mind was filled with discouragement, as I tried again, in vain, to clean the old library books.
"You have no choice you know." Whispered Minkyoung. "You must get the information from Jubal."
I shake my head.
"There has to be another way. He's the devil incarnate. Nothing good can come from him. Even good thoughts become twisted and wrong." I counter.
"I don't mean for you to ask him for it. I mean for you to take it." She explained.
She looked at me with her shining deep set eyes. There was so much hope there. A hope that I would understand. That I'd know how to follow her plan. I had seen that look enough that the mere glimpse of it filled my heart with remorse for my inadequacy. However, I had to try. I had to fight.
I glided to my room. I was immediately greeted by my ladies in waiting. They changed me out of my gown and into a long silk shirt and slacks. The silk was spider silk. the strongest and rarest material in the world. Over that attire they placed cotton padding. They pulled my hair back in a high tight braid, before they finally pulled chain mail over my head, and clasped plate armor over the chain mail. The ladies assured me that it was the lightest armor available, and yet I felt terribly encumbered. It had to be endured. I had to be ready for whatever was ahead. There were no weapons in my suite. I had to make a long trek to the armory. Jubal was there to greet me.

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