Friday, August 16, 2013

Day of Truth

"Have you come to fight me Princess?" Asked Jubal in long drolling tone.
''I need to know how to rule, and you are the possessor of knowledge. Since you refuse to restore the books in the Library. I must take the information from you." I stated.
"Look at you armor and everything... everything but a weapon. I suppose that's why you're here. What would you like? Would you like a sword? A dagger perhaps? No. You're a Queen as you say. You need a broad sword."
Jubal lifted a large broad sword off of its mount on the wall. He wielded it with ease. He flipped it in the air and handed handle first to me. I felt myself shake. This was a two handed broadsword, obviously much too heavy for me to carry let alone fight with. My thoughts raced. Should I try to take it? How do I deny it? Why am I shaking? How will I not look foolish? This whole thing is foolish. I can't fight this man, but how else am I to get him to speak, and speak the truth? As I thought these thoughts Jubal scoffed and placed the broadsword back in its place.
"Little Princess, I'd say it is time for you to go home." Said Jubal mock sweetly.
"I can't go. Not even if I wanted to." I said with tears welling up in my eyes.
"But I tell you can. There is a great stone circle just outside the city. Stand on it at the right time of day, and world keeper will grant you passage home. It's that simple. No more confusion for you little dear. Just homework, but you can ask a tutor to help you out with that. No more little lives depending on you. Just look after yourself. You won't be hurting anyone that way, and in your own small way you can make your own world better. Now how does that sound?" Asked Jubal.
"Leave my people alone with you? No."
"Yes, your presence makes them so much safer." Jubal bellowed sarcastically. "We're at the brink of war, a portion of your people are enchanted, and the rest live in terror, hiding in their houses by their night lights. They don't need you. If anything you make things worse."
I remembered the looks on the children's faces before they vanished. It was the look of horror and betrayal. They had so much faith that I would keep them safe. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to let that happen. I wished that I was better. I wished that I was someone else. Someone more worthy of being Queen. Then just when I would have despaired, a feeling gripped my heart. I was given this task. Be it a mistake or not it is mine. I am the one that fails or succeeds, and no one will rob me of that.
"This is my kingdom. My destiny, and you have no place in it." I said standing tall, but still shaking.
"That would be difficult." Jubal smiled a wide smile, and wider, and wider. His smile stretched so far that his face tore into two. Underneath his broken face was another face.
"The statues!" I gasped.
Slowly all of Jubal's rubbery body peeled away. What was left was my own ugly image.
"I told you. I made them of you at your best. Not as the simpering idiot who flies about like a bird."

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