Monday, July 14, 2014

Ohborn Castle Finale

Eric ran among the broken rocks of Ohborn. He could discern small traces of color swiftly evaporating through exposure to the sun's light. There was no way he could be fast enough to capture it, or to even see it clearly. His mind raced. He realized that nearly seventy people were in OhBorn when it collapsed. Perhaps one of them lived. Perhaps one did not perish underneath the weight. He frantically began shifting through what rocks he could move.

“You are wasting your time Eric. They are all dead. Let the professionals remove them!” Cried Claude.

“I have to know! There was residue on the rocks. There must have been more to the image! I need to know!”

“You are mad Eric! Even if their was such an image it is gone now.”

“I have to know. I have to know!”

A small portion of a representative's robes could be seen beneath a movable bit of rubble. “Could it be?” Eric thought, and hoped. It was Bernard. Out of all the people Eric could have found,but fate led him to Bernard. His body did not appear to be mangled, but upon closer inspection one could tell that he was crushed. Eric fumbled over him. Painfully willing to see any traces of life.

“Bernard, tell me. Tell me what you saw! Bernard! You need to live and put an end to all of this! People need to know the truth! Bernard!”

“Shouting at a dead man is in bad taste, Eric!”

A small glimmer appeared in Bernard's eyes.

“Bernard. What can you tell me?”

Bernard's lips parted. Eric drew his head to them, in order to hear.

“You're mm-my friend.”

The pit of Eric's heart burst. No news of the wall or its image. Just faint words of friendship.

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