Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ohborn Castle Pt. Ten

The documentary continued on as planned. Eric did not speak to Bernard again until the final day of shooting. They met face to face, but not eye to eye, in the round garden in front of Ohborn.
"So this is it then." Mumbled Eric.
"Indeed it is." Said Bernard with his eyes now fixed on Eric.
Eric's face drew inward as though Bernard's eyes placed pressure on his face.
"The interior footage has been reviewed. They actually managed to record some stuff, but-"
Bernard interjected. "It was too dark and grainy to use."
"Right." Eric chuckles lightly. "They had to try."
Bernard nodded.
"I know it hurts you that I no longer follow The Artist, but-"
"All is well between us Eric. Except, I will try to persuade your return and you in turn will anger, and withdraw from me, and-"
Eric interjected. "You are obligated to bring me back to the Artist. I know, but did you ever consider..."
"Yes? Did I ever consider? You trailed off there."
"Never mind. I know the answer. Goodbye Bernard. I doubt we shall meet again." Eric offered his hand to shake.
"Goodbye Eric. We'll see each other again one last time. The walls will fall soon and then you will return. You will want to know." Bernard shakes Eric's hand.
"Goodbye Bernard." Said Eric gruffly releasing Bernard's hand.
With that, Eric left Ohborn castle. That afternoon he boarded a train with Claude headed for Paris. He was to fill a post at an art institute there.
"I am dead! Please keep the sun out of my face. I want to sleep." Moaned Claude.
"No one is stopping you from pulling the shade." Said Eric annoyed.
"Are you kidding? Whenever we take this route you must see the castle as we pass by, or did you forget?" Argued Claude.
Eric angrily pulled at the shade. In his wrath he failed several times to successfully pull it down ,but once it was done his frame and face relaxed. Eric was not tired, but the dark was soothing. His eyes would never see Ohborn again. He would leave it as the ruin it is, but then a strange rumbling twanged beneath his feet.
"Claude, do you feel that?"
"Hah?" snorted Claude."
"The floor is rumbling."
"We are on a train, Eric!"
"That's not it! The metal..."
Eric gasped as iron rivets began to tremble. No sooner did he observe that did the train screech to a halt. Eric listened out his carriage door. "The rails!" "There is something wrong with them." The rumbling beneath his feet grows, and terror strikes Eric's heart. One thought and one thought alone  permeated his thoughts. Ohborn Castle. Quickly he leaped back to the carriage window and ripped off the shade he so wanted closed moments before.
"We've gone too far I can't see Ohborn!" Eric shouted.
"Ah I knew you couldn't stand it." Hollered Claude after Eric.
Eric didn't stop to respond. He had to see if it was true. He had to run to get a view of Ohborn. He raced against a tide of people trying to make their way to the front. Each one of them furious with the engineer. None of them considering what was happening outside. Eric pushed and forced his way past. He found an exit and kicked it open, and out in the distance Ohborn still stood as small and ugly as ever. Eric laughed a breathless laugh. He hadn't noticed but even the ground beneath him had stopped trembling. He smiled at the castle, as one smiles at a friend who has played a prank, but his smile faded and his brow furrowed and his eyes squinted. The pitched walls of Ohborn were crumbling, and a great cloud of dust swallowed it from view.
"Claude!" Shouted Eric as he freely ran back to his carriage. "We need to get off this train Claude, now!"

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