Monday, July 7, 2014

Ohborn Castle Pt. Four

The influence of Ohborn castle stretches out far beyond its hallowed boundaries. In the year 1100, in the Kingdom of Jerusalem the Universal art institute was formed, with the King of Jerusalem as its head. For centuries it was considered the center of the artistic world. Even long after the Kingdom of Jerusalem fell the King of the art institute remained. Indeed, to this very day, the Universal institute is not considered Israeli owned nor Palestinian. It is its own sovereign nation. Its soul purpose it to lead the world in the ways of The Artist,with its King as his prime representative on Earth. Universal Artists maintain that prime representation has been in place since The Artist's death. They cite that Petrof was the first prime representative, and it has carried on since that day. Just last year the 266th king of the universal art institute, and Father of all artists was crowned.

Within Ohborn artistry there has always been a certain degree of hierarchical order. The head is of course The Artist himself. Although long dead the record of his words is key to Ohbornian artistry. Or is it? With the starting of the Art institute, and with the King as the prime representative it was his interpretation of the manuscript that dictated how Ohborn artists did art.

Tradition states that Petroph made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to bring western art to the east. There he died, but not before teaching artistry. Since Petroph is considered the prime representative of the original followers of the Artist his deathbed became a marker, and tribute place of teaching. Or as the University believes founded artistry for the world at large itself.

The Artist

Leader of all true artists.

The Prime Representative (The King)

The prime representation of the Artist on Earth, and the ultimate authority on the interpretation of the Ohborn manuscript.

The Arch Overseer

Is some one that represents over a large region, with several lower overseer's at his subordinates.

The Overseer

Is an authoritative representative, in the line of the original followers of the artist. (Likewise Arch Overseers)

The Representatives

A representative is a man that has dedicated his life's work, possessions, and personal life to art, and teaching the art of the Artist. (Covers for females.)

Lay Artists

Are any artist that volunteers his or her time in some way. All true artists must act as lay artists at some point in their careers.

The above is a listing of the hierarchy of the Jerusalem artistry.

There two standard methods of viewing image on the wall. One is totally daring to dredge through the dark and see the image up close. The other is to peer down from a distance. This methodology is a hotly debated topic. To be certain primitive artists always approached the image, but sometime in the 1200's the practice of peering became common place especially for the elderly and the feeble. Then upon common practice of the Jerusalem order peering became that standard. It was also at this time that infants were ordered by the King to view the image. This would be an initiation rather than an actual charge to become an artist. As part of the seven sections of artistry. It was also in the 1200's that the Germanic people broke allegiance with the King. While the method of initiation wasn't the cause of this schism it did not help matters. Not surprisingly, one easy way to tell a Jerusalem artist from a Germanic one was how they viewed the wall. Oddly, both parties opted to have their infants gaze upon the wall. However, some went up close and some from afar. Those that needed to travel far in order for their infant to view the wall would often travel while still pregnant. This practice was so common that the area around Ohborn became known as the birthing center of the world.

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