Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dungeon Day

Deep below the depths of the soil, in the heart of the dungeon, we found Jubal. He was in a cage within a cage within a cage. His arms and legs were shackled to the solid stone floor. An ever burning torch hung on the bars was his only light. There was no sign of a toilet, or source of water or food.
"Is he starving to death down here?" I inquired disturbed.
"He cannot die. No one in this world does." Uttered Mr. Gray quietly.
At the sound of Mr. Gray, Jubal looked up at us. Although his hair hung in his face his eyes still burned bright and clear. A wry teethed smile crept across the corner of his mouth. He laughed a low guttural laugh.
"Oh Grayson, she must have put up quite a fight to get you down here." He paused. "Unless you have your own reasons." He laughs again this time stronger. "She doesn't know does she? HA! I did my work well, and you said my trips to Earth would be for nothing."
"You get ten minutes to speak to her majesty. No more." Barked Mr. Gray.
Jubal's eyes rolled about in his head as he leaned his head back. His arms stretched as he pulled at the shackles, like his body was made of rubber. Gray coaxed me to ask him my questions, but his image was too much. He was a living nightmare, but I had to speak to him. Jubal began gargling and bellowing gruesome humanoid sounds.
"Excuse me." I said.
"You're excused." Said Jubal with the sound of a water drop behind him.
"There is water in your cell then."
"Yes, polluted water. You've been offering me little droplets of it. Just enough to torture me."
"I don't understand."
"Why are you a prisoner here?"
"Why should I answer you?"
Mr. Gray's icy hand grips my arm. I swallow a gasp. He tells me to speak firmly with him or else he won't answer a single question.
"As your Queen, I command you to answer me!"
He grinned and stretched out his neck. His head smacked onto the bars of his cage.
"That's better. Little Princess."
"Princess? I am Princess of souls. Does that mean you are a ghost?"
"Nice. You've learned a little bit, but ultimately you're an idiot. What does Grayson address you as?"
"Queen, but that's due to formality. I am Queen of this land. Therefore in this land I ought not to be called anything else."
"Did he tell you that?" He asked twisting his head toward Mr. Gray.
"No." I shook my head.
"Then how did you know? I am certain it is not in any of my lovely books."
"I... I...I just knew."
"Indeed you did." Smiled Jubal slowly easing his neck back in place. "Imagine all, I could illuminate in you."
"That's enough Jubal. We're leaving now." Said Mr. Gray.
"That wasn't ten minutes Grayson." Argued Jubal.
"Ten minutes was the maximum. Come along Ma'am." Ordered Mr. Gray.
Once again, I felt his icy hand. He hurried me along as though his feet had wings. It took me time to realize that we were both in flight. Up over the steps and through the iron door. It slammed behind us on its own accord.

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