Thursday, June 20, 2013

Library Day

Minkyoung told me where I could find the previous Queen's journals. They were upon a high shelf built into the top most portion of the Library wall. There was no ladder to it. I'd have to fly. It then occurred to me that I had no idea how to open my wings. Yesterday, when I flew it was all on instinct. I took a breath and concentrated. I remembered what it felt like, and transitioned it to real movement. I began to feel feathers.
"Not  here!" Screamed Minkyoung.
Startled, I nearly fell over.
"Why not? How else am I suppose to get to the shelf?"
"If you spread your wings out between these shelves you'll knock them over, Ma'am."
I'd forgotten how big my wing span was. Minkyoung guides me out into the reading area. She gestures to the tables. I climb atop of one. I release my wings, and flutter them. This causes great gusts of air.
"Try not to fly too much. Just get to the top of the book shelves and hop from one to another until you are to the far wall and then fly up to the wall shelf." Minkyoung advised.
I gladly followed it. It was a fun experience to hop atop book shelves, and then finally inside the one in the wall. There I found several dozen bound journals. There were three different kinds. I took one of each back with me to the reading tables. That's when terrible disappointment set. Each diary was written in a language unknown to me. I only recognized two of them. One appeared to be Greek, and the other Egyptian hieroglyphics. The third I did not recognize at all.
"Why did they bother to keep journals if they can never be read!" I cried.
"Of course they were read. They were read by those that wrote them. That's the point of a journal." Comforted Minkyoung.
"I should just be happy that you speak English."
"English? Oh not enough to boast about. I barely know it at all." Laughed Minkyoung.
"I think you speak it fluently." I argued.
"Oh no. Don't forget you hear with royal ears. All your subjects speak your language to you. Even if they do not know it."
"Royal ears can understand, but royal eyes cannot? Why shouldn't I be able to read the Queen's journals?"
"They aren't your subjects."
I place the journals back on their shelves. What girl wants her journals read by a stranger anyway? However, helpful they may be. At least, I have Minkyoung. She truly is an able Librarian. She knows where every book is. Together we read about the research done on the people of souls. Commonly called ghosts. I found it interesting that all of the ghosts here are not from here. They are from Earth like me. All of the souls were service people, and they all loved their work. I read about the origins of other people groups too. The mermaids sprang up from deep underground waters. Likewise the Dwarves came out of rocks, and the children come up out of Gardens.
"How can any of these accounts be true? Is no one born in this world?" I asked.
"I can't say I've ever seen or heard of a baby born to this world. Not in an Earthly sense. Besides Jubal is an expert in these matters." Said Minkyoung tapping a book's cover.
I looked at the books authors. They all were different, but they had one thing in common. Each one was edited by Jubal.

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