Friday, June 21, 2013

Sunny Days

The next few days, I was able to go out among the people. Security protocol dictated that the doors to the castle remained closed from before sunset to sunrise. However, when the sun shined I was able to see my people. They were all so very young. I understood fully why they are the child-like people. No one was older than their mid-teens. At least not in looks. Everyone plays all day long. I think the economy must have lived off of laughter. I confess, I felt like a little child again myself. There was no cares or sorrows, but I learned that there still was fear. An hour before the sun set, everyone is hurried out of the streets. Legions of ghost soldiers hurry all of the children into their homes. No one must be outside after dark. I had the audacity of arguing with one such solider as he shuffled me back to the castle.
"Does not the city have walls?" Are we not protected by you soldiers? Are you not the best soldiers that ever lived?"
"Your majesty, the neighboring nations are powerful, and they have yet to pledge themselves to you. Your safety keeps the people safe. Please understand that."
I spent many days trying to understand that. I studied with Minkyoung. She was a great help. I learned that the city walls could hold back the dwarves. They had crafted them years ago and would not dare to use explosives against it. They would dig beneath it, and that would take an astronomical amount of time. The houses are protected by night lights against darkling forces, and the ghost troops patrol the city at all times. Nearly, always invisible. The Castle itself was an impenetrable fortress with one weakness. I couldn't read what that weakness was, because that page had been blotted out. Minkyoung said it had always been like that. She explained that only Jubal knew how to clean them.
"How is it that a prisoner knows so much? Why was he the one that brought me here? Do we have any books about that?"
"Yes." Nods Minkyoung. "Except they are blotted out too."
I sigh.
"I'm not allowed to release Jubal...But maybe I can go visit him. Where is the prison? Is it out in the city?"
"The prison is within the dungeon in the bowels of the Castle, and that is off limits." Declares Mr. Gray.

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