Monday, June 24, 2013

One argument per day please

"Off limits? I don't even know why Jubal is in prison! No one tells me anything. You tell me I need to prepare for diplomatic relations. That I need to prove to them that I know what I'm doing, but guess what I don't! This place is insane. I'm suppose to be the Queen when in reality ghost soldiers and a dictator butler is running this place, and I don't even know why. The only place I've found a free flow of information is from these books, and the one thing they all have in common is Jubal. I know he's scary looking ,but he has never harmed me. However, you Mr. Gray have given me this tremendous responsibility and have offered me very little help."
My outcry made several ghosts pop into focus around me. They had been reading invisibly, but my rage had perked their curiosity enough to make them lose their grip on that ability. Mr. Gray too looked quite solid before me. His hard face seemed to have some cracks in it. He spoke.
"If her majesty wishes to rewrite the security protocol. She may of course do so, and visit the man in black. However, I did not become the best butler to have ever lived, by not giving sound advice. I advise you ma'am to not speak with Jubal. He does have much knowledge, but all of the knowledge he has also lives in you, the true Queen. I am uncertain as to why you have not discovered it."
"Maybe, I'm not the true Queen. You might have picked up the wrong person." I replied.
"No, you must be." Chirped Minkyoung. "Only the Queen has wings like a bird and yet is not a bird."
I sat down at a reading table. I rested my head on my hand. Slowly, the ghosts around me faded back into invisibility. I envied them. Mr. Gray left me there, but he shortly returned with pen and paper in hand. He explained to me how to rewrite the security protocol. He advised that I limit my visits and time spent on each visit with Jubal. I agreed to those terms. I then asked him where I could find the castle dungeons. He gestured for me to follow him. Out from the Library, and down several narrow corridors, and flights of stairs we went. It turned out there were several layers of cellars. Each cellar was a labyrinth in and of itself. Down and down went father and farther. Until finally we came upon a tarnished iron door at the end of an arched brick hallway. Barely visible beneath the tarnish were words in ancient languages. Dark words unspoken for millennia. I felt a chill go up my spine. It was that important to meet Jubal? No. I had to face him. He was just frightening. I couldn't die of fright. Mr. Gray picked up a near by candelabra. It was then I realized that everywhere in the castle had been well lit. Even the cellars. Now Mr. Gray needed to light our way. Behind the iron door was cold winding stone steps. The light from the candles barely lit each step as we moved. I searched for some sense of security, but I found none outwardly. I had a ghost as my companion through a creepy dungeon. Inside, I prayed. I prayed like I did as a child in the dark.

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