Friday, June 14, 2013

The Blocked Way at the end of the Day

As I stood, before the door, I debated how I was to open it. I'd have to have a ladder to reach the locks. Then it struck me. I asked for water. I got water. I was tired I was given a bedroom. I want this door to open. I took a deep breath. I stood tall, and in my most commanding voice I said. "Open." No one appeared before me, but slowly the locks began to move out of place. With each opening snap, I felt relief sweep over me. I wasn't a prisoner. This was my Castle and it heeded my words. The wood in the doors groaned as it opened outwardly. The floor in front of me was now splashed with the orange light of sunset. Outside, I saw a wide stone terrace, and farther beyond, I saw the end of a wide street lined with regal houses. I swallowed. The street was as empty as the castle, but I had to try to find someone. I took a step toward the door. Then the gray man snapped into my view. I was terribly startled. Not only by his sudden appearance, but by the look of him. He was not just gray, but he was slightly translucent in the light of the setting sun. I didn't get to ask him questions. He instead started dictating to me my trespasses.
"Your majesty, you have neglected your duties. You have not overseen the diplomatic chart. Nor have you set rules for the prison. Now you have broken security protocol by ordering the opening of the doors! I must say for your first day, you aren't doing very well."
Frustration is a very honest f word. How was I suppose to know any of this? No one has told me anything! I don't even know if I'm on planet Earth anymore! This gray old man had no business yelling at me, and I told him so. If he wanted me to know these things then he should have said. Popping a crown on a person, does not mean they know what they are doing. To which he replied, "Obviously."
The man in gray requested me to close the doors, and if I complied he would inform me at least of my duties. I told him the first thing I wanted to know was who he was and why was he see through. The man blushed gray at this. I felt bad. I know better than to remark about others looks. The man moved away from the sunlight, and to the side of the doors. I commanded their closing, and like before, they listened, and readily guided shut.

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